IBC Announcement
November 23, 2022

July 5, 2022
Thank you for your patience with us as we navigate the COVID pandemic. We are offically open for our in-Person Worship Service; Community Groups and Wednesday Night Bible Study will continue to meet virtually. We ask that mask are worn for all participants in-person events.
If you want to participate in our Virtual Bible Study Experience, message us on our website at integritybaptistchurch.org or email us at intergritybaptist@att.net.
Sunday Community Groups:
Adults – 10:15 – 11:15am
IBC Kids – 10:15 – 11:15am
Wednesday Night Bible Study - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
April 26, 2020
During this shelter-in-place order our building may be closed, but we want to seize this opportunity and continue to worship together through our website and social media platforms.
Each week we worship service will stream at 9:30 a.m. and will be available for replay on our website at 11:30 a.m. As we move forward things will look different, you will see living rooms instead of our sanctuary, fellowship hall and classrooms, and the video capture might be a little less crisp. In this new normal, we will continue praise & worship, we will teach from scripture, and we will remember what brings us all together; Jesus and His Gospel.
Stay Connected!
We will be using our social media platforms, our website and virtual classrooms to connect, grow, serve and share. If you’re interested in joining us for Wednesday Night Bible Study, please email us at integritybaptist@att.net.
Working from Home
Our staff, in keeping with the Governor's order will work remotely. We will continue to put in normal office hours and are available each day from 9:00am-2:30pm. As always, our pastor is on call if you have an urgent prayer request or need.
We have a variety of resources available to help you keep taking next steps in your faith each day. Make sure to take advantage of any of these that might help you stay close to Jesus in this time. Click here for more information.
Is the campus open?
For the time being, our campus is closed. We’re working to sanitize our building, but in the interest of your safety, and in accordance to the CDC’s instruction.
Where is God in all this?
Disease (pestilence as it is sometimes called in the Bible) is part of the human condition. When sin entered the world, sickness became a part of life. He sometimes uses critical times to draw people back to Himself, and this may be one of those times, or it may just part of being human. What we do know is we want to be sensitive to the fears surrounding such uncertainty as today but pray that God uses this situation to lead people to a saving faith in Him. He has not changed. He remains the Alpha and the Omega, and “Our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
How Can I Be Faithful In My Giving?
Even if we don’t be meet on campus for the next couple of weeks, there are several ways you can give. By mail or online giving.
What about my community group?
There are ways we can take care of each other without being together. The Ministry Team here is researching ways for us to connect without being on campus together, but technology allows for some amazing ways we can interact with one another virtually without being in one place. We urge you to continue to look after one another, praying for one another, and connecting through phone, text, video conferencing apps, and any of several ways available to you today to do so until we can meet again. While this isn’t an ideal situation, we all want to be in, the reality is it couldn’t have come at a better time in history for us to connect remotely with one another!